Think of this as an investment of time similar to having a haircut.
Hair should be clean and dry. Rinse-out conditioner is fine, leave-in conditioner and styling products must not be on your hair.
Approximately 1/4 to 5/8 inch (3/4 cm) of hairs lined up side by side.
Collect hairs from different areas of your head to ensure all your hair is represented (crown, sides, back, hairline). *Package all these areas together.* This can be done during detangling or by cutting hairs.
Collect hair that is clean, after washing or during. Hairs you have removed in the shower are fine, but please don't collect hairs off the shower floor (they collect too much debris). Hair must be dry to package for mailing.
Trim several hairs from the various sections of your scalp (see "Sample selection" above ). Trim as close to the root as possible. Keep the root-ends together if possible. Package all the areas you cut hairs from together.
If there is an area that seems different you'd like measured separately, please keep that separate, label it and mention it in your notes.
Clean, dry hair should be enclosed in a folded sheet of paper or in a plastic bag. If long, ensure hair does not tangle by securing the hairs with a piece of thread or yarn, or wrapping loosely around a 3x5 card. --- Please align hairs as well as you can, it helps the preparation go quickly - which helps my keep the price reasonable. --- Very curly or textured hair does well with 1-2 layers of paper towel for cushioning.
Envelopes must be smooth to avoid tearing in the machinery in the mail. A piece of card-weight paper can help provide support. Or use a thin cardboard mailer.
Your name and address must match that on the order.
Ordinary postage (depending on size of envelope) is fine. If you want to track your package to assure it arrived, please use either Certified mail (no signature) or Priority Mail. Label the package "Hair" or "Hair sample" if you are required to indicate the contents.
If your hair is high-density and your locs are small, you can send 2-3 locs cut within 1-2 inches of the root. Otherwise, use sharp scissors to cut some hairs from the exterior of the loc at the middle and ends. It's okay if those are mostly very short pieces as long as several are at least 1/2" (about 1 cm).
Sample from the middle and ends in particular, and save those samples separately (and labeled).
Videography by Chris Hoover
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